Posts in: 2018s

The motion to authorize the borrowing authority for the new library project was on the floor for discussion by the Council, and it became clear that Councilor Sund was going to vote no.

Without his …

Assuming the shaky wifi here at Greenfield High School holds up, I will be live-blogging tonight’s meeting of the Greenfield Town Council.

The bandwidth here is terrible, so I’m having to …

The Greenfield Town Council is set to vote at their regular monthly meeting this evening on whether or not to authorize borrowing authority for the proposed new library project.

Here is the actual …

The house is filling up here in the Greenfield High School auditorium… things should be kicking off shortly.

7:15 PM - A bit of a late start, but getting under way now… some introductory remarks from …

There will be a public meeting at 7:00 PM this evening (Thursday, 12/13) to provide information regarding the proposal for the construction of a new building for the Greenfield Public Library.

The …

According to today’s edition of The Recorder, Precinct 2 city councilor John Lobik has resigned his seat on the Council for health reasons. His resignation will be effective on January 1, 2019. …

The Greenfield Leek

City Council weighs new library proposal amid bloom of Little Free Libraries

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By Donna L. Duck

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

As signs have …

  1. I'm at the emergency meeting of the Greenfield City Council, which was called to address the issue of the homeless encampment on the town common.

Live updates to begin shortly…

Call to order, …

I was out for a run recently when I noticed this scene on Wells Street:

If you look at the pavement, there is a narrow line of fresh asphalt that runs along the street about four feet off the curb. …

The Greenfield City Council is debating the FY2019 budget this evening. I will be providing updates here as long as I can hold out. These meetings always tend to be marathon sessions.