The Greenfield Town Council is set to vote at their regular monthly meeting this evening on whether or not to authorize borrowing authority for the proposed new library project.
Here is the actual language:
Upon recommendation of the Mayor, that the sum of $19,541,296 be appropriated for the construction of a new Public Library, and to meet said appropriation, the Treasurer with the approval of the Mayor, is hereby authorized to borrow said sum of $19,541,296, pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 44, section 7 (3) or any other enabling statute, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to apply for, contract for, accept and expend any Federal and/or State Grants available for this project to be used to reduce the within appropriation, and further, the Mayor is authorized to take any action necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of these projects.
Authorization requires a two-thirds majority of the Council. If the motion passes, the library project moves forward. If the motion fails, the library project is most likely dead in the water.
My guess is that the vote will come right down to the wire, with Councilors Sund (Precinct 1) and Lobik (Precinct 2) being the potential swing votes.
The meeting will be held in the cafeteria at Greenfield High School (21 Barr Avenue), and starts at 7:00 PM. Unless the Council votes to suspend the rules, there is an opportunity for public comment on the agenda.