The Greenfield Leek
Clay Oven Returns; Cites Lack of Full-Time Health Inspectors
By Donna L Duck
Monday, January 7, 2019
Greenfield—Just 18 months after Clay Oven was required to close by the Board of Health, the restaurant is slated to reopen next month in the former Country Jeweler storefront. Clay Oven was reprimanded on three separate occasions before they were required to close permanently citing danger to the health and safety of the community.
Current owner, Madan Rathbone, said he has, again, disposed of his former partners and has worked hard to return to Greenfield. Rathbone stated they have been successful at their restaurants in New Hampshire and feel that they can replicate that success here this time around.
“We are excited to come back; we faced many obstacles here, in town. But, now, the state of Greenfield’s [Health] department is more similar to New Hampshire and our business has been good there. A department that is more hands-off is better for us.”
The city has been without health inspectors for months due to budget shortfalls, staff turnover, and department turmoil. The city council voted in December to restore funding to the department, allowing for the hiring of to full-time inspectors. However, only a per diem inspector has been hired as of press time. Rathbone could not be reached for comment regarding the city council vote.